Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Vegerama - Day Four

Yus! I have this down pat! I make veges look cool! I'm kicking processed food to the curb! I'm going to be super-vegerama-laye-de! Oh what... tough day at work? Feed me! Feed me chips! Argh. Seconds of glory and then fail. Oh well at least they weren't meat flavoured chips.
On the brightside, I'm starting to feel way lighter which is what I love about no meat. Your insides feel like they are bouncy and happy. Go figure!

PS. If anyone has idea on how to gain respect from teenagers when you are small and well semi vegetarian, tips would be appreciated.

1 comment:

  1. Bouncy and happy ftw. I remember that feeling. Sigh. Reading your vege posts just drive me closer and closer to ditching meat.

    Aha, NOT. Never! But good on you for persevering homie.

    Oh, and on your problem with the kids: Challenge their leader to a game that you've rigged to win. Try darts with a dart board that has a strong magnet at it's centre, and use a metal dart while he uses plastic.
