Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Back to hating on uni

Study link has decided not to fund my study. I'm not sure why since I already owe them a huge amount in debt and don't see how an extra thousand dollars will do too much damage. Though National does seem to bring up the interest free study loans aspect every so often in a semi threatening way. I'm currently enjoying the lack of interest and am spending my money in other frivolous ways.
Today I got a lovely letter telling me I have overdue fees of $937. Oh goody. I love how this is the first indication that I'm actually enrolled and owe any money.
Currently my bank accounts aren't too healthy (hello a summer of being a bum) so they will have to wait until pay day.
On a brighter note I've started my first assignment for my paper... 1000 words only. Hallelujah.

Shaking things up

This week I made the decision to move out from my flat and into the city. Its been a decision that I've been considering for a while, day dreaming in my down time. Now that I'm employed and a city worker I've made the choice and have bravely informed my flatmates. They all seem a little panicked. I feel a bit mean, but also I'm looking at it rationally. Moving to town for me means...

a). 1.5 hours a day saved in my commute time. Which is equivalent to $80-90 worth of petrol

b). being closer to friends in Mt Eden, Ponsonby and Newmarket.

c). close to work

d). access to uni, shops, gyms, pools, healthfood stores, decent DVD stores... the list goes on and on.

I'm excited. Also incredibly nervous. Who am I to think that I can pull this off?

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent Lent Lent

Today is the start of Lent. I think I'm over self denial and its freakin day one.
I've been feeling like I've pushed myself to the extreme this summer and I can't figure out if thats good or not. I went to the gym for a reassessment this morning and got a body fat % calculated. It came back at 17.4%. I started off at 22%. Thats quite a big loss, even for me. The gym lady said it wasn't that accurate and could be off. I'm not sure if I'm proud or a little horrified?

Anyway, back to Lent. I'm trying to give up sugar of all things. I read a blog about it, then read a book (Sweet Poison, excellent read)And not just the processed stuff, ALL OF IT. Like cutting way back on fruit and all my juiced goodness. Its a little miserable. I've been attempting if for a while now and today I'm feeling it the worst. Low grade continual headache, tired sore eyes, twitchyness and a stuffy nose. All stuff I was warned about but I thought for some reason I would be sweet as I don't have much processed sugar? Argh, this will teach me.

It could be the above symptoms which are making me reconsider if its all worth it. I miss cookies. Or just the thought of being able to eat them.

Which bring me to the thought that this is what Lent really is all about? Denial. Damn it.