Thursday, October 14, 2010

Threats to invincibility

Sometimes in life you just have things that hit you darn hard. So hard that you stumble a bit, get knocked down, put on your best brave face, try to ignore those skinned knees and keep going.

This week I found out one of my really close friends has been diagnosed with advanced cancer and the doctors said months to live. I'm in shock. I keep hoping I wake up and its a bad dream. We are supposed to be invincable. The worst things to happen in out 20's are supposed to be failed uni papers, broken hearts, fights with family and crashed cars. It feels like we have only just started living, we have so much to look forward to and suddenly its all been stripped away to here and now for her.

This time I'm knocked down and can't quite get back up just yet. So I'm going to stay cradled in this space, nursing my wounds calling on God and sending my petitions. Please pray.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Fashion Woes

I like fashion as much as the next girl, but I get quite tired of being repeatedly shown pictures of models who look 'amazing'. I do think they look amazing, but I'm never quite sure if its truly what I think looks good or if its just what has been sold to me through the media so much that I now believe it and use it as my lens to view the world?

It's a ongoing tension as I do want to stay current and I enjoy makeup and fashion and hairstyles, but I want my gym time to be about putting good things in my life, not an ongoing slog to get impossibly skinny model legs, or my quick morning blow dry and swipe of eyeshadow to turn into a 45 minute mission with tears when it wont go right (and ruining the work already put in).

I've tried to stop reading so many fashion magazines as they always make me end up feeling like my imperfections are blaring out so much and should be fixed asap. And that I need to buy buy buy in order to fix them. Its not really how I want to live my life constantly feeling inadequate and self concious about myself and letting it get me down. But how do I change my views and live the life I want? One where I am a self confident person who embraces what God has given me and not hassle him about what He hasn't / give ongoing petitions to him about why he should remove cellulite as a miracle.

But easier said than done. NZNTM remains a firm top show for me, I still gaze longingly at the covers of Harpers Bazaar and hit the gym for spot reducing I know wont really work.

I also try to think on the bigger picture in life and put things back into perspective and not get so wrapped up in my own little world where I am the sun and all revolves around me and my sparkly nail polish. Sigh, easier said than done.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sister Hang Outs

So my sister came and stayed the night with me last night. I don't get to have much hang out overnight time with her as she lives a couple hours drive away and is married, so it was an extra special treat. Everytime we get together we usually have a bag of 'goodies' for each other. Hers usually involves garden produce, knitted items, recipes, spices while mine is usually clothes that got a little small/big (we are almost the same size but not quite so it makes for good swaps), beauty products and hair products. But this time she had a pair of wait for it... black 3/4 tights. Win! Now I have 8 pairs!

2/3's of my way through my post grad cert

Assignment number 2 is done. Sent and hopefully never seen again. I've never handed in an assignment with unfinished bits, but as it was 38 pages long and 11, 900 words and I'd spent some solid effort (a couple of days getting up in the early morning on holiday and working on it in my pj's) on it getting it to that stage I figured enough was enough and sent it away. Fingers crossed it was finished enough.
Post Grad is always sounds exciting when work is a bit blah and you want to learn new things and debate ideas. And they the reality of 38 page assignments roll around and you start to kick yourself. My masters seems so far off!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

leggings love

This week due to the warmer weather I found myself buying ANOTHER pair of 3/4 leggings. This is itself isn't so bad as they were $12 on special at Glassons. Then I stopped to count how many pairs I actually own. I managed to count up to 7. Needless to say I was a little shocked. Why on earth do I own 7 pairs of anything thing other than socks and undies?? How did I manage to end of with 7 pairs of leggings of all things (and shamefully enough one pair are jeggings of all things!).
Many women are quite anti leggings and think they are the ultimate fashion no no. I was of this group until I bought my first pair just under a year ago and wore them around. Its like wearing your PJ's except they make your legs look amazingly slim (within reason) and no one looks at you strangely at the supermarket.
Leggings are inappropriate for my workplace unless paired under a long skirt or dress so most of my legging time is at home or hitting up the gym (I have a dedicated 4 pairs just for wearing to the gym) and I love them muchly. Best multi wear item I currently have in my wardrobe!