Monday, October 11, 2010

Fashion Woes

I like fashion as much as the next girl, but I get quite tired of being repeatedly shown pictures of models who look 'amazing'. I do think they look amazing, but I'm never quite sure if its truly what I think looks good or if its just what has been sold to me through the media so much that I now believe it and use it as my lens to view the world?

It's a ongoing tension as I do want to stay current and I enjoy makeup and fashion and hairstyles, but I want my gym time to be about putting good things in my life, not an ongoing slog to get impossibly skinny model legs, or my quick morning blow dry and swipe of eyeshadow to turn into a 45 minute mission with tears when it wont go right (and ruining the work already put in).

I've tried to stop reading so many fashion magazines as they always make me end up feeling like my imperfections are blaring out so much and should be fixed asap. And that I need to buy buy buy in order to fix them. Its not really how I want to live my life constantly feeling inadequate and self concious about myself and letting it get me down. But how do I change my views and live the life I want? One where I am a self confident person who embraces what God has given me and not hassle him about what He hasn't / give ongoing petitions to him about why he should remove cellulite as a miracle.

But easier said than done. NZNTM remains a firm top show for me, I still gaze longingly at the covers of Harpers Bazaar and hit the gym for spot reducing I know wont really work.

I also try to think on the bigger picture in life and put things back into perspective and not get so wrapped up in my own little world where I am the sun and all revolves around me and my sparkly nail polish. Sigh, easier said than done.


  1. If it makes you feel any better, I think that all posts worth posting end with "easier said than done." Means it's important you know?

    And heck yes, NZNTM. Micheala ftw.

  2. I feel like my whole life seems to be a series of easier said than done... hard to live out all the things I want to do in a good way.
    Ahh yes, Micheala all the way!
