Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lessons I’ve learnt this year:

  1. Be kind to your flatmates. Share you stuff, your food, your hair straighter, do their jobs sometimes. That way you have reciprocal rights. Like when your flatmate buys a GHD, or you run out of nutella, or you leave your washing out and it starts to rain, you have rights. Or I just have some pretty sweet flatmates. Or I’m the flat bully. I’m hoping it’s not the later.
  2. Never close your eyes on the treadmill. Even if you want to see if blind people can run on the treadmill... and yes they can, the probably hang on though as that would prevent them from falling off.
  3. Starting assignments early greatly relieves stress. Procrastination isn’t actually the funnest way of life.
  4. Sometimes you get the short end of the stick. Sometimes you get the long. Both can be equally rewarding, and both can suck quite a lot, you learn a lot.
  5. Don’t play push-the-button-tag with the garage door opener with flatmates. The chain will break. The door will fall. Garage door fixing men are not cheap.
  6. If you harass the landlord enough he will keep his word and put in a dishwasher a year after promised. The persistent widow story does have a direct application into 21st century.
  7. Drinking too much carrot juice will stain your lips bright orange. And it’s hard to remove.


  1. LOL. awesome list. my favourite is 5. although, i could have told you that myself :D

    "Procrastination isn’t actually the funnest way of life."


  2. haha awesome.

    still working on that procrastination thing...
