I think people have stopped thinking that I’m weird and just started accepting me as Ginnie. It’s a good place to be. Though I went to KFC once with a friend over summer who blabbed to all my friends and they were genuinely shocked. It surprised me a bit, I harbour a secret love for the crispy KFC coating that I indulge about three times a year is that so shocking? People seem to always expect me to default always to the carrot sticks option in life. Sometimes this is inspiring and sometimes just plain annoying.
However, I'm attempting to go vegetarian again. It has been long enough now since the last attempt that meat is losing its appeal. The land of chickpeas and legumes beckons me with opening arms. “Come eat good food! Feel lighter! Start practicing what you preach a bit more!” Last time I attempted a vege month. However, due to my inexperience and lack of time I managed to eat a lot of the same food, as I only had a small handful of vegetarian recipes and I made them to death and then never wanted to see them again. I also didn’t prepare for the lack of ‘filling up’ that meat does and got quite hungry and ate a lot of nutella on white toast. This went against much of what I stand for in the way of good nutrition, but I was just so hungry and my flatmates at the time had a lot of bread and nutella available.
I’m not sure if I will set a time frame on this attempt. And I’m not sure if I’m going to call my attempt ‘vegetarian’ per say. One of my friends is vegetarian but says it doesn’t define him. He then eats sneaky pieces of meat on his pizza and doesn’t worry too much. I like the idea of this approach, it seems more life friendly.
I’ve also got a plan of attack, meaning I’ve got a list of recipes, have anticipated feeling hungrier and have money to buy suitable filler foods that aren’t totally processed and are marketed as a “healthy” chocolate sauce.
So the attempt begins! I feel a little bit hippy like already!
haha you are so funny. i love this