Thursday, September 30, 2010
Post Grad Contemplations
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Credit Card Chop

Mung Bean Mania!
Vegevege -Day 10
Running is my first exercise love
Running is my first exercise love. But sadly I end up with aching knees everytime I do it. The more I run the worse they get.
A couple years back I went to the physio about my aching knees. He said to stop running and start doing his prescribed exercises otherwise I’d end up like the majority of his patients and then proceeded to point out one guy in his waiting room with a knee bandage. He also told me that I had weak gluetal and quad muscles and that through strengthening them with 30 minutes a day of biking and prescribed exercises that they could get slowly better. He then proceeded to give excruciating leg massages to the point of hysterical laughing which was very close to turning to hysterical tears. I went away, bought an exercycle off Trademe for $1 (which wasn’t bad for $1 but I’m glad I didn’t pay more) which had no resistance so my legs spun useless around... went to the gym for a while on a trial membership but poorness stopped me from getting any further.
2 years on I still have sore knees. I wish they were better, but I really hate slow exercises. To me there is nothing worse than slow controlled exercises. Give me cardio any day.
Every year I vow to get them all strong and happy and do the Auckland Half marathon and every year I fail. I disappoint myself. I LOVE running but the thought of the exercises and 30 minutes on a bike each day just puts me off again and again.
So what do I do? Run anyway. Well semi. I go out with the aim of ‘walking’ and that usually changes to a jog. There is something really exhilarating about running. It makes you feel strong and powerful and like all life’s problems are conquerable. It’s also one of the best cardio workouts I can do. It also leaves me crippled up with muscle pain for a few days afterwards. Nothing bad enough to head to the physio for, but enough to stop me running again for a while.
I might need to get an accountability buddy and just hit up that bike at the gym.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Vegerama - Day Four
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Vege - Day three
Monday, September 20, 2010
Time to go vege
I think people have stopped thinking that I’m weird and just started accepting me as Ginnie. It’s a good place to be. Though I went to KFC once with a friend over summer who blabbed to all my friends and they were genuinely shocked. It surprised me a bit, I harbour a secret love for the crispy KFC coating that I indulge about three times a year is that so shocking? People seem to always expect me to default always to the carrot sticks option in life. Sometimes this is inspiring and sometimes just plain annoying.
However, I'm attempting to go vegetarian again. It has been long enough now since the last attempt that meat is losing its appeal. The land of chickpeas and legumes beckons me with opening arms. “Come eat good food! Feel lighter! Start practicing what you preach a bit more!” Last time I attempted a vege month. However, due to my inexperience and lack of time I managed to eat a lot of the same food, as I only had a small handful of vegetarian recipes and I made them to death and then never wanted to see them again. I also didn’t prepare for the lack of ‘filling up’ that meat does and got quite hungry and ate a lot of nutella on white toast. This went against much of what I stand for in the way of good nutrition, but I was just so hungry and my flatmates at the time had a lot of bread and nutella available.
I’m not sure if I will set a time frame on this attempt. And I’m not sure if I’m going to call my attempt ‘vegetarian’ per say. One of my friends is vegetarian but says it doesn’t define him. He then eats sneaky pieces of meat on his pizza and doesn’t worry too much. I like the idea of this approach, it seems more life friendly.
I’ve also got a plan of attack, meaning I’ve got a list of recipes, have anticipated feeling hungrier and have money to buy suitable filler foods that aren’t totally processed and are marketed as a “healthy” chocolate sauce.
So the attempt begins! I feel a little bit hippy like already!
I'm a stalker.
Are you a stalker? Do you creep yourself out sometimes as well? Do you try to cover up your stalkingness to be less weird around your friends?
I sadly find the lives of my friends (and their friends, and their friends friends) waaaayyyy to interesting. I find myself reading random blogs, looking at photos of people I’ve never meet and never will, looking up friends of friends and pouring over details of their lives. I creep myself out. I find myself knowing random informative facts that I accidently let slip at times and find myself trying to make weird excuses.
But then in some ways, I figure if people are making themselves open to stalking, is there anything horribly wrong with that? If they have their whole world up on [insert cool computerised social medium] surely they must know that people will be looking and reading? Do they WANT me to look and read and inventibly envy them? Though I try to draw the line when I start thinking the “those people are way cooler than me” thoughts and try to switch off facebook/twitter/blogs/google and get on with my life (and start thinking up really cool facebook status updates that I can do from somewhere ‘exotic’ on my phone. Yup. I need a life.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Lonely Nights
Monday, September 13, 2010
Sweet Days
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Sharpie Tattoos
Lessons I’ve learnt this year:
- Be kind to your flatmates. Share you stuff, your food, your hair straighter, do their jobs sometimes. That way you have reciprocal rights. Like when your flatmate buys a GHD, or you run out of nutella, or you leave your washing out and it starts to rain, you have rights. Or I just have some pretty sweet flatmates. Or I’m the flat bully. I’m hoping it’s not the later.
- Never close your eyes on the treadmill. Even if you want to see if blind people can run on the treadmill... and yes they can, the probably hang on though as that would prevent them from falling off.
- Starting assignments early greatly relieves stress. Procrastination isn’t actually the funnest way of life.
- Sometimes you get the short end of the stick. Sometimes you get the long. Both can be equally rewarding, and both can suck quite a lot, you learn a lot.
- Don’t play push-the-button-tag with the garage door opener with flatmates. The chain will break. The door will fall. Garage door fixing men are not cheap.
- If you harass the landlord enough he will keep his word and put in a dishwasher a year after promised. The persistent widow story does have a direct application into 21st century.
- Drinking too much carrot juice will stain your lips bright orange. And it’s hard to remove.