Saturday, June 9, 2012

I'm back.

Well 7 months later... I'm back. Triathlon done. Goal achieved. Non existent summer over. Another birthday. Quarter of a century of life achieved. Boy meet. Oceans traveled. Skype utilized. Ring on finger. Bags packed. Tickets booked. Lawyer consulted. Forms filled out. Forms re filled out. Forms sent. Love letters copied. See you laters said. Layovers owned. Hours of movies watched. Plane sleep non existent. Nervous wait. Immigration cleared. 90 days stamped. Bag collected. Micah hugged. And hugged. And hugged. Hello.

Hello America

There is something compelling about that blue screen on planes that show you where you are in your trip. It starts of hovering over the airport and then the plane rights itself and flies the direction you are heading. I love watching the distance creep past, the trip to Australia seem to speed by, land always in sight, Sydney welcoming. That daunting part hits though when you are suspended in the middle of the ocean. No land in sight either way. New Zealand seems a world away. No proportion or scale to let you know where you are. And you realize you are truly in the middle of nowhere.
Then hours later, America appears. That solid west coast, LA a tempting dot. Nevada perched up higher. Hello future home.