Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Preventative Wisdom

I'm learning that part of being an adult is learning about preventative wisdom. It's choosing to think more, consider your options and make informed and hopefully wise choices. Part of me hates preventative wisdom in the short term but acknowledges the long term benefits (aka less heartbreak) that will hopefully come as a result of it make it worth the short term pain.
When did we grow up all of a sudden?

1 comment:

  1. "When did we grow up all of a sudden?"

    I'd say about 17. 15 and 16 still seem young, but then it's the 17-mark where people start referring to you as a young adult. I hate the term "young adult", because really you get treated more like "old child".

    And also, remember that making the wise decision doesn't always look like the "right" choice in restropect, but it's about doing the best you can with the knowledge you had. There's not much more you can do than that right.
