I'm one of these people who loves the idea of summer, but the reality doesn't always rock my world. I love the idea of swimming, chilling, tanning (safely with sunscreen on of course), eating chunks of watermelon, millions of BBQ's with friends, everyone laughing all the time.
In reality, this never happens. Summer is usually hot and sticky, most of my friends are away having their own exciting summers, watermelon remains at $7 per kg, the beach is a million miles away, I don't own a BBQ and I'm not a fan of lying in the sun until I'm crispy with a side of sweaty.
Does this happen to anyone else? Or is it just me usually counting down to the cool days of Autumn craving the regular routine of the year starting and everyone settling back to normal and being able to sleep properly at night?
Every year I vow it will be different and I'll love summer. This year I set my expectations lower (its my new aim in life, to consciously underestimate the enjoyment/happiness factor and then be pleasantly surprised when it is enjoyable - it may not be successful, but I'll let you know) and so far its been going ok. This week I've been swimming, not once but TWICE in the ocean and its been amazing. Great weather, great water temperature, great company and just enough waves to make it fun and not feel like I'm drowning. In the course of the same week I've also been road tripping, eaten food off a BBQ, tanned a little, taken crazy photos at the beach AND chilled out.
Summer, you may have redemptive qualities after all.