Saturday, December 4, 2010

The last goodbye

Isabel died this morning.
It's almost 2am and I should be asleep, yet I'm dreading it.
I'm in this numb hurting stage where I've just lost one of my closest and best friends and its not quite sinking in yet. I don't know how to navigate this quite without her.
I got to say many beautiful goodbyes to her, the last being the night before she died. I took in my nailpolish box and took off the last of her nailpolish and got her fingers looking all pretty. Then got to hold her hand, sing her songs with her parents, read Isaiah and whisper the last goodbye.
The next wee while is going to be grief laden. I don't want to walk into that just yet. So i'm stopping in today for a moment more. Tomorrow I'll let the grief wash over me.
"We wont say goodbye.
This is not the end we know.
All who live must die,
but not all who live have truely been alive.
So I will celebrate your life,
Celebrate your faith,
Celebrate your love and the legacy we leave."
Phil Joel.

Miss you more than I know how to express Isabel. I hope heaven in just as we dreamed. Love Gin


  1. I'm so glad you got such a special time with her and you got to be there so much over the last few days - that is so special gin =) Hoping to see you next week once I find out when the funeral is. xxx

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss. You being there for her, I bet, made that whole experience that much less dreadful. Sending lots of lovely and loving prayers your way.
