Monday, July 5, 2010

Tattoo Loving

I would like a tattoo. A cool individual tattoo that is neither tacky or something I’m going to regret the instant I get it done. I keep seeing tattoos on these strong, fierce (as Tyra would say) looking women at the gym and its changing my views a little. However, If I were to get one, said tattoo must:

1). Be nowhere my parents can see until I reach a respectable mature age when I have the language and age to back myself up. Of the three things my mother made me vow not to do when I left home, getting a tattoo was one of them.

2). Be nowhere that peeks rudely out of a wedding dress. “And the bride wore white with a rose bud tattoo peaking out of her cleavage” is not my vision of beautiful.

3). Be something mysterious. Ie. Not something that a million other girls have... a dolphin/rose/cartoon character/lovers nameslashinitial and I think it should speak of your personality and character and be something meaningful.

4). Be something I love. What I love changes quite a lot. Sometimes I love blue, sometimes I love red, mainly I just love purple but it differs a lot. Said tattoo must be continuously loveable. Which limits it down a whole lot.

5). Be in a place that is not going to severely wrinkle and mutate with age/pregnancy/fat. Again, which limits it down a whole lot.

But in saying this all, I’m the sort of person who isn’t brave enough to dye her hair as change semi scares me. And I figure permanent tattoo is around 14 slots higher on the scare scale (buying a house, backpacking around Thailand, one day deciding to procreate are all things on that scale) and maybe I should start a little smaller.


  1. "maybe I should start a little smaller."

    Yes, I agree. I remember when I was young, I used to get those fake tattoos from those noodle packets done all the time, and I always hated them the next day. Well, maybe that's not the best example, but you're right, much thought must go into it.

    "Said tattoo must be continuously loveable"

    Ohh you should get a turtle then. It's impossible to hate a turtle. Even if a turtle tried to steal my gf or diss my mum, I would still find it all slow and cute.

    Unless you got some kind of turtle phobia. Then, yeah, don't get the turtle tattoo.

  2. hahah you are so delightful. I totally understand this post
