Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Shoes full of juice

Got to fulfill the juice girl dream today and worked at The Juicery doing promo work and working behind the counter. Big props to the owner aye, its a sweet little business. Saw some great customer service in action and saw how a small dream could grow with a heck of a lot of hard work.
I really enjoyed the "manual labour" in some ways. People were incredibly easy to please. They ordered, we made, they drunk. Such a change from nursing, I enjoyed the huge difference. I enjoy caring for people and being a fixer, but with nursing, there never seemed to be an end point? No end of the day where you felt like you had done all you could and could go home happy. A career change seems more and more likely.

My little white wharehouse shoes got hammered, they've come home an interesting shade of purple. Just as well they are machine washable :)

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