Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Nothing good ever comes easy. Though I wish it did.

Though in some ways I'm glad its not as then we'd all be slackers and laze around doing nothing all day.
I'm in some serious post work out pain after going back to the gym yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. I didn't make it while Isabel was in hospice - it was easy to hit up the stairs and clear my head. I'm regretting my slacking off quite a lot today.
Usually my breathing can't keep up with my fitness level (that makes me sound like i'm bragging, but i'm not, its just straight up facts) and I have to stop to breathe adequately. Yesterday I met my match. Pump class. Within the first 10 minutes of class I was all ready had it and regretting turning up and wondering how subtly I could pack up my step, dumb bells, weights and bar and leave without attracting too much attention. By midway through the class I was about ready to cry. By the end of class I was lying on the floor not even attempting to participate.

Today I am incredibly sore. Typing even hurts. Darn this competition! Why does my competitive streak come out in later years in life? Where were you all the years I attempted to get into rep teams and got turned down as I wasn't aggressive enough??

Considering pain relief, but as always I'm trying to detox. Considering a swim and a spa. Or perhaps just a spa. March 1, 2011 is so far away and attempts to sabotage other participants efforts are proving futile. Swim and spa it is.

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